
Buddha's Life & Teachings

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The life of Siddhartha Gautama, commonly known as the Buddha, is a central narrative in Buddhism. Here's an overview of his life:

  • Birth and Early Life: Siddhartha Gautama was born around 563 BCE in Lumbini, present-day Nepal, into a royal family. His father was King Suddhodana and his mother was Queen Maya. A prophecy predicted that he would either become a great ruler or a spiritual leader.
  • The Four Sights: Despite his privileged upbringing, Siddhartha grew curious about the world outside the palace. At the age of 29, he ventured beyond the palace walls and encountered the Four Sights: an old man, a sick person, a dead body, and a wandering ascetic. These encounters deeply affected him and prompted his spiritual quest.
  • Renunciation and Asceticism: Siddhartha decided to leave his royal life behind and embarked on a path of renunciation. He joined a group of ascetics and engaged in severe practices, hoping to find enlightenment and relief from suffering.
  • The Middle Way: After six years of extreme asceticism and self-mortification, Siddhartha realized that this path did not lead to the insight he sought. He abandoned this extreme approach and began practicing moderation and balance, which he called the Middle Way.
  • Enlightenment: Siddhartha continued his spiritual journey and eventually sat under a Bodhi tree in Bodh Gaya, India. After a period of intense meditation, he experienced profound insights into the nature of reality, suffering, and the path to liberation. This event, known as his enlightenment or awakening, marked him as the Buddha, which means "awakened one" or "enlightened one."
  • Teaching and Formation of Sangha: The Buddha spent the rest of his life, around 45 years, teaching his insights and principles to a diverse range of followers. He shared the Four Noble Truths, which outline the nature of suffering and the path to its cessation, and the Noble Eightfold Path, which serves as a guide to ethical and mental development.
  • Passing Away: At the age of 80, the Buddha passed away in Kushinagar, India. His passing is known as Parinirvana, representing his final release from the cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (samsara).

The Buddha's teachings formed the foundation of Buddhism, a spiritual tradition that has had a profound impact on the lives of millions of people across the world. His emphasis on understanding and transcending suffering, mindfulness, ethical behavior, and compassion continue to be central tenets of Buddhist practice.
