
10 English Words Ending In -LESS

In English, the suffix  -less means “without.” For example, something that is “colorless” is white o…

100 Top Job Interview Questions — Be Prepared - Sample Job Interview Questions You May Use

INTRODUCTORY QUESTIONS: What five adjectives describe you best? Why should I consider you for this po…

Sample Interview Questions - Prior to the interview - During the interview - After the interview has concluded

An interview provides the hiring manager a perfect opportunity to identify the applicant best quali…

What does it mean when someone is questioning? Wh-questions "What"

What what used to asking about a name, thing, action, activity, gather information, idea, etc. Eg: Wha…

English Grammar - TYPES OF SENTENCES

INTRODUCTION : English: - English is the language of the people of England. Grammar: - It is an art…

English Grammar - Fundamental Points

FUNDAMENTAL POINTS What is grammar? The dictionary says: “Rules in a language for changing the form o…
