
English Grammar - TYPES OF SENTENCES

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English: - English is the language of the people of England. Grammar: - It is an art of putting the right words in the right place. Letters: - There are 26 letters in English language.

These are divided in to three groups. They are

1.       Vowels: - A, E, I, O, U are called Vowels.

2.       Consonants: - B, C, D, F, G, H, J, K, L, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T,      V, X, Z are called consonants.

3.       Semi vowels: - W, Y are called Semi Vowels.

Word: - A word is a group of letters which gives complete meaning.

Eg:- a book, a river, a flower

Sentences:- A sentence is a group of words, which give complete meaning.

Eg:-   1. She sings a song.

2. I am teaching English grammar.


There are four types of sentences in English language. They are


1.       Assertive Sentence.

2.       Interrogative Sentence.

3.       Imperative Sentence.

4.       Exclamatory Sentence.

1)      Assertive Sentence:-

These Sentences are general statements. They end with full stop.

They contain subject, verb, object in order. Assertive Sentence is known as “Declarative” or Affirmative Sentence.

Note: - A sentence begins with noun or pronoun, ends with full stop is called Assertive Sentence.


Eg:-    1.Sita   Sings a   Song. 2. Raju eats a banana. 3. They are my friends. 4. She is a doctor.


2)      Interrogative: Sentence:-

These sentences are questions. They end with question mark. These are divided into two groups:-

1.     General questions (leading questions)

2.     Interrogative Sentences


1.     General questions: - These questions get ‘yes’ or ‘No’ answers .They start with the following helping verbs.



·        Be forms:- am, is, are, was, were,

·        Do forms:- do, does, did,

·        Have forms:- have, has, had,

·        Model Auxiliaries:- shall, should, can, could, will, would, may, might, must,



1.     am I right?

2.     Is your father at home?

3.     Are you going to College?

4.     Was he absent yesterday?

5.     Were you in Tirumala last Saturday?

6.     Do you come with me?

7.     Does she get up early?

8.     Did Raju attend the class yesterday?

9.     Have you finished your home work?

10. Has she two daughters?

11. Had they gone to Hyderabad?

12. Shall I bring you a cup of Coffee?

13. Should you take rest?

14. Can you play Cricket?

15. Could you please give me your pen?

16. Will you come to my house tomorrow?

17. Would you please give the news paper?

18. May I help you?

19. Might he have come here?



2.     Interrogative questions:- These questions seek lengthy answers. They start with the following interrogative question words (wh. Words)












1.       Who is your father?

2.       What are you doing?

3.       Where are you going?

4.       When is your birthday?

5.       Why are you late today?

6.       Which is your native place?

7.       Who do you like the best in your family?

8.       Whose book is this?

9.       How are you?


3. Imperative Sentence:-

These sentences are requests, orders, commands, advice, suggestions, Instructions are called imperative sentence.

Every sentence begins with first form of verb and ends with full stop.



1.       Please give me your pen.

2.       Take this file.

3.       Open the door.

4.       Bring me a glass of water.

5.       Close the Windows.

6.       Stay here.

7.       Take Medicines.

8.       Attend the examination without fail.


4)      Exclamatory Sentence: -   These sentences give our feelings about any incident, These sentences start with “what, How” and end with exclamatory mark ( !).


1.       What a Surprise!

2.       How notice it is!

3.       What a stupid you are!

4.       What a beautiful bird it is!

5.       Oh! He is dead


Punctuation means the right use of the stops in a sentence. The main punctuation marks are

1.       Full stop (.)

2.       Comma (,)

3.       Exclamation (!)

4.       Question mark (?)

5.       Quotation mark or inverted commas (“ ”)

1.     Full stop: The full stop is used at the end of assertive sentences and imperative sentences.



1.       He is my friend.

2.       We are learning English grammar.

3.       Ashoka was a great king.

4.       Balu is a good dancer.

5.       Sita is not a good singer.

6.       Open the door.

7.       Post this letter.

8.       Take medicines regularly.

2.     Comma: Comma indicates a short pause in speech it is used to separate one or more items in a series.



1.       Gopi, Sarala, Sony, Murali and Vamsi have scored good marks.

2.       There are Bananas, Mangoes, grapes, oranges, and apples in the fruit market.

v To separate the reported clause from the reporting clause.

i)       He said “ I will go to Tirupathi tomorrow”

ii)      “I will,” he said “go to Tirupathi tomorrow.”

v To separate the subordinate clause that begins the sentence.

i)       If you play well, you can win the match.

ii)      When Hema saw a snake, she ran away.

iii)     Unless you leave early, you can’t catch the train.

3.     Exclamation marks: An exclamation sentence and an interjection are always followed by an exclamation mark. Generally an exclamatory sentence begins with what or how is followed by an adjective or an adverb.



1.       Alas! he is dead

2.       Hurrah! We won the match.

3.       What a simple man he is!

4.       How nice it is!

Quotation mark or Inverted commas: Quotation marks are also known as inverted commas. When we write the exact words said by someone we keep those words with in the quotation marks. And the quotation marks are used in 3 types.


Type-1: look at the following examples.

1.       She said, “ I am busy now”

2.       He said, “where are you going”

3.       Rani said to Raju, “Are you married?”

Type-2: Study the following sentences.

1.       “I am busy now” said he.

2.       “Where are you going?” said she.

3.       “Please lend me your notes”, he said.

4.       What a brilliant idea!” she exclaimed.

Type-3: Study the following sentences.

1.       “I am pleased!” the king said”, to be here this evening”.

2.       “Are you here?” the stranger asked to attend a congress.”

Examination model :

1.       “Are we going out to night?” he asked.”

2.       “Can I help you?” asked, the young man”.

3.       “You should have save the document” said, the manager


Examination model:

Punctuate the following and rewrite the sentence in the space provided for it.


TASK – 1

1.       he said you can believe what I say

A:- ......................................................................................................

2.       is it said the other you are here to attend a congress

A:- ......................................................................................................

3.       what’s the reason for his behavior

A:- ......................................................................................................


4.       were you waiting for me schwamm asked quite startled

A:- ......................................................................................................

5.       will you keep quiet the teacher said

A:- ......................................................................................................

6.       children the stranger said mean nothing to me

A:- ......................................................................................................

7.       The other said you are taking the Kurzbach train are you

A:- ......................................................................................................

8.       What is the reason for his behaviour said he

A:- ......................................................................................................

9.       Can I speak to the manager asked the customer

A:- ......................................................................................................

10.     You are speaking to the manager replied the man at the counter A:- ......................................................................................................

11.     Am I thought I was speaking to the accountant

A:- ......................................................................................................


TASK – 2

1.       when i stopped by to see him after the race he said you know we won A:- ......................................................................................................

2.       Anything that writes blank she said

A:- ....................................................................................................

3.       alas what shall I do now cried the traveller

A:- ......................................................................................................

4.       ohe where are you ohe Munshi Singha called Nanak

A:- ......................................................................................................

5.       Here take the milk where is your servant today

A:- ......................................................................................................

6.       What food to the hungry what pillow to the sleepy Basanto said A:- ......................................................................................................

7.       He said it is a rupee a seer how many annas worth do you want A:- ......................................................................................................

8.       look ar the sun soraring have you ever seen a day going said she A:- ......................................................................................................

9.       what difference do halt and march make to a beggar said Hiro with a dumb humility

A:- ......................................................................................................

10      Can I buy a pen she asked the shopkeeper


A:- ......................................................................................................

11.     What colour would you like he asked

A:- ......................................................................................................

12.     charles she said we don’t have any charles in the kindergarten


13.     what happended to charles my husband asked


14.     that’s fine I said heartily didn’t charles want to do exercises.


15.     Mummy can I buy Batman T-shirt said the boy


16.     Mother said why do you want to buy someone else’s T-shirt


17.     Oh no I am buying a new one said the boy


