
It’s Time OpenAI Launched GPT-5

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OpenAI is a research organization that aims to create and promote artificial intelligence that can benefit humanity without causing harm or being influenced by external factors. One of their most notable projects is GPT, a series of large-scale language models that can generate coherent and diverse texts on various topics and domains.

GPT-3, the latest and most powerful version of GPT, was released in June 2020 and has been widely used by researchers, developers, and enthusiasts to create amazing applications and experiments. Some examples include generating code, writing essays, composing music, creating chatbots, and more. GPT-3 has also been praised for its ability to answer questions, summarize texts, and perform common sense reasoning.

However, GPT-3 is not perfect. It still has limitations and challenges that need to be addressed. For instance, GPT-3 can sometimes produce inaccurate, biased, or offensive texts that can harm users or society. It can also struggle with complex reasoning, long-term consistency, and domain adaptation. Moreover, GPT-3 is not publicly accessible to everyone. Only a selected group of researchers and developers can access it through an API that has a limited quota and a high cost.

That’s why I think it’s time for OpenAI to launch GPT-5, the next generation of GPT. GPT-5 should be a more advanced, more ethical, and more accessible language model that can overcome the shortcomings of GPT-3 and enable more innovation and impact. Here are some features that I hope to see in GPT-5:

  • - More data: GPT-3 was trained on a large corpus of text data from the internet, but it still missed some important sources and domains. For example, GPT-3 did not include scientific papers, legal documents, medical records, or historical texts. GPT-5 should incorporate more diverse and high-quality data to improve its coverage and accuracy.
  • - More parameters: GPT-3 had 175 billion parameters, which made it the largest language model at the time of its release. However, since then, other models have surpassed it in size and performance. For example, Google’s Switch Transformer has 1.6 trillion parameters, and Huawei’s PanGu-Alpha has 200 billion parameters. GPT-5 should have at least 10 trillion parameters to maintain its leadership and competitiveness.
  • - More languages: GPT-3 was mainly trained on English texts, with some support for other languages. However, there are many languages in the world that are underrepresented or ignored by current language models. GPT-5 should support multilingualism and cross-lingual transfer learning to enable more users and applications across the globe.
  • - More ethics: GPT-3 was criticized for generating harmful texts that could spread misinformation, discrimination, or violence. OpenAI tried to mitigate this issue by implementing filters and guidelines for using the API, but they were not enough to prevent all cases of abuse or misuse. GPT-5 should have more robust mechanisms to ensure its ethical use and social responsibility. For example, it could have a built-in fact-checker, a bias-detector, a sentiment analyzer, or a content-moderator.
  • - More access: GPT-3 was only available to a limited number of users who had to apply for access and pay for using the API. This created a barrier for many potential users who wanted to experiment with or benefit from the model. GPT-5 should be more open and accessible to everyone who wants to use it for good purposes. For example, it could have a free tier, a community edition, or a federated learning framework.

These are some of the features that I think would make GPT-5 a better language model than GPT-3. Of course, there are many other aspects that could be improved or added, such as scalability, efficiency, interpretability, or creativity. I hope that OpenAI will consider these suggestions and launch GPT-5 soon. I believe that GPT-5 would be a great asset for the AI community and society at large.
