
RRB NTPC EXPECTED PERIODIC TABLE MCQ on Periodic Classification of Elements

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Question (1): The property of an element in the periodic table depends on its, ________.

1. Atomic size

2. Atomic mass

3. Electronic configuration

4. Number of protons

Question (2): An element has configuration 2, 8, 1. It belongs to, _________.

1. 1 group and 3rd period

2. 3 groups and 1st period

3. 1 group and 8th period

4. 17 groups and 3rd period

Question (3): The number of electrons in the valence shell is equal to its________.

1. atomic mass

2. group number

3. period number

4. atomic volume

Question (4): The non-metallic element present in the third period other than sulfur and chlorine is

1. oxygen

2. fluorine

3. nitrogen

4. phosphorus

Question (5): At the end of each period the valence shell is __________.

1. incomplete

2. half-filled

3. singly occupied

4. completely filled

Question (6): The family of elements having seven electrons in the outermost shell is ______.

1. alkali metals

2. alkaline earth metals

3. halogens

4. noble gases

Question (7): Which of the following factors does not affect the metallic character of an element?

1. Atomic size

2. Ionisation potential

3. Electronegativity

4. Atomic radius

Question (8): The family of elements to which potassium belongs is_________.

1. alkali metals

2. alkaline earth metals

3. halogens

4. noble gases

Question (9): The modern periodic table is given by ________

1. Mendeleev

2. Einstein

3. Bohr

4. Mosley

Question (10): Elements belonging to groups 1 to 17 are called __________.

1. noble gases

2. normal elements

3. transition elements

4. inner transition elements

Question (11): A liquid non-metal is ___________.

1. phosphorous

2. mercury

3. bromine

4. nitrogen

Question (12): The first alkali metal is _________.

1. hydrogen

2. lithium

3. sodium

4. francium

Question (13): A purple coloured solid halogen is ________.

1. chlorine

2. bromine

3. iodine

4. astatine

Question (14): Lanthanides and actinides are also called ___________.

1. normal elements

2. transition elements

3. noble gases

4. inner transition elements

Question (15): The family of elements to which calcium belongs is __________.

1. alkali metals

2. alkaline earth metals

3. halogens

4. noble gases

Question (16): The least reactive element in group 17 is ___________.

1. fluorine

2. chlorine

3. bromine

4. iodine

Question (17): The valency of chlorine with respect to oxygen is __________.

1. 1

2. 3

3. 5

4. 7

Question (18): The number of shells in the elements of 3rd period is __________.

1. 1

2. 2

3. 3

4. 0

Question (19): Four elements along a period have atomic numbers (11, 13, 16, and 17). The most metallic among these has an atomic number of __________.

1. 11

2. 12

3. 16

4. 17

Question (20): Six elements A, B, C, D, E and F have the following atomic numbers (A = 12, B = 17, C = 18, D = 7, E = 9 and F = 11). Among these elements, the element, which belongs to the 3rd period and has the highest ionisation potential, is__________.

1. A

2. B

3. C

4. F

Question (21): A factor that affects the ionisation potential of an element is __________.

1. atomic size

2. electron affinity

3. electro-negativity

4. neutrons

Question (22): The element, which has the highest electron affinity in the 3rd period is _________.

1. Na

2. Mg

3. Si

4. Cl

Question (23): The element, which has zero electron affinity in the 3rd period is __________.

1. Al

2. P

3. Ar

4. S

Question (24): The statement that is not true about electron affinity is

1. It causes energy to be released

2. It causes energy to be absorbed

3. It is expressed in electron volts

4. It involves the formation of an anion

Question (25): Down a group, the electron affinity __________.

1. increases

2. decreases

3. remains the same

4. increases and then decreases
